Image of Alexander Mason,s a man with short brown beard, mustache, hair slicked back, and a blue collared polo shirt.

About Me

Hey, I am alex. I am a 30 year old software engineer from the USA. Professionally I spend a lot of my time working with platform integrations and custom solutions, most recently AI. Hobby wise I dabble into anything that catches my eye. I love to hack and tinker around with programs and languages, and I am excited to teach and share what I learn with others.

About The Site

The site was built using Astro with React, Tailwind and Markdown. I am hosting the site through netlify. My plan is to build the websites out beyond a blog and expirement with different technologies. Astro's ability to easily mix UI frameworks and support for addons makes it an ideal choice for personal dev site, IMO.

Infrastructure for the website is pretty simple, at least from a management perspective. I have a private github repo setup with a free netlify account. Since Astro compiles down to static files, I could host the site in a S3 bucket. The blog posts themselves are markdown files that get built into the proper HTML files at compile time.