Senior dev builds a blog

Published on Saturday, February 10, 2024 by Alexander Mason

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Building a blog was a long time coming. I never got around to it, better late than never though. This blog will mostly be about tech stuff and projects that I have worked on or dabbled in. Overtime, I plan to add more features to the blog, noteably the ability to navigate and find past articles. New features will start showing up after I write a few articles. I have set a goal to post at least 1 article a week about a tech related topic that I have researched or played around with.

I may often times write about work-related topics such as project management and leadership skills, or I may dive deep into personal things I found interesting. My goal isn’t to really set a specific theme or topic for this blog, but to explore the professional and hobby life of a tech guy and programmer.

I am building this blog using Astro, which is a static site generator. I am using markdown templates to fuel the blog post content and some simple JS to power the main home feed + categories. I am using a mix of TailwindCSS and vanilla CSS in the astro templates, but I found that vanilla CSS is easier when working with markdown styling. I will likely reach for SCSS next if I need more flexibility. The minimal setup is working pretty well for my current needs.

Be on the lookout for a future subscribe feature if you want to hear more from me.


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